KINOCOLORSMiho Onodera Works

Etching / Water color from Yokosuka, JAPAN


Miho Onodera(小野寺 美帆)銅板画、水彩作家

神奈川県 横須賀市出身

カーティン工科大学(現カーティン大学)/オーストラリア 大学院卒
2024イタリア・ボローニャ国際絵本原画展 入選


2022丹生川上神社中社 御奉納祭 (丹生川上神社中社、奈良)
2019Japan Festival ベルリン 2019(ベルリン、ドイツ)
2019Cebu インターナショナルアートフェア 2019 (セブ、フィリピン)
2017Art ZEN ベルリン 2017(ベルリン、ドイツ)
2017AKD DITTERT, SUEDHOFF & Partner Art 展(ベルリン、ドイツ)
2016第13回Berliner Liste 2016(ベルリン、ドイツ)
2015渋谷Loft & Mount Zine9(Loft& 渋谷店、東京)
2015第4回 2+1展 Water colors from Yokosuka (JONES Food Store, ベルリン ドイツ)
2015100 Japanese Artists 2015 (Cavalieri アートホテル、マルタ)
2014ARTconcept DEN ペーパーアートコレクション(ベルリン、ドイツ)
2014ARTconcept DEN “Made in Japan” (ベルリン、ドイツ)
2014ARTconcept DEN exhibition “Autumn in Tokyo Plus” in Gallery Den (ベルリン、ドイツ)
2014Spectrum Miami Art Show 2014 (マイアミ、アメリカ)
2013East and West Art Competition 2013, Finalist Exhibition in La Galleria Pall Mall (ロンドン、イギリス)
2005The Exhibition “Escape” ギャラリー香 (大阪、日本)


2023銅版画個展 「夜の芝生を」(ギャラリーDAZZLE、東京)


「いちおう、英会話学校通ってました…」 フォレスト出版 (2010年 2月)

「エイゴのゲンバ ~DERA on the job~」(週刊朝日ウィークリー、2011~2015)

Miho Onodera
Born in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan.

I like describing a little dairy happiness by use of watercolors. (E.g. A good smell comes from a kitchen when I go back home, mum just bought me a chocolate cake when I fancy). I’ve always been aware of family, friends and people’s connection when I paint. It’s important to express things without exaggeration, not like over expressing or showing off. I’d like to keep expressing a human that being natural and warm.
I’m happy if people realize a happiness that they usually forget as it’s so common and if people feel warm from my piece.

A happiness is like a magic, it just makes us warm and happy even a little one. I try and not to forget the feeling that when I see a beautiful view and flower, they move my heart.
I’ve been active as an illustrator but also doing an art activity such as having a work shop, writing Manga, making a picture book and reading a picture book for children after a marriage and having twins.

I am also actively involved in copperplate etching works. Etching prints have a different charm from watercolors. If watercolors are like the sun, etching prints have a mysterious charm like the moon. I find copperplate etching to be a delicate and powerful art form, like a moon goddess. I hope to enjoy the world more beautifully through both types of artwork.

Oosaka Art University in Oosaka, JAPAN. Major: printing, include block printing, etching, silk screen and lithograph. Curtin University of Technology in Sydney, Australia. Major: Master of Accounting.

2024 Bologna children’s book fair winner.

Group Exhibition

2022Ritual of dedication in Niukawakami Shrine, Nara, JAPAN.
2019Japan Festival Berlin 2019, Berlin, GERMANY.
2019Cebu international art fair, Cebu, PHILIPPINES.
2018Japan Festival Berlin 2018, Berlin, GERMANY.
2018Universal Indonesia Prize, Jawa Brat, INDONESIA.
2017Japan Festival Berlin 2017, Berlin, GERMANY.
2017Art ZEN Berlin 2017 Europe-Japan, group show, Berlin, GERMANY.
2017Terada Prize in Venice Art Exhibition, Venice, ITALY.
2017AKD DITTERT, SUEDHOFF & Partner Art Exhibition, Berlin, GERMANY.
2017Japan Art Exhibition, Teltow, GERMANY.
2016Japan Festival Berlin 2016, Berlin, GERMANY.
2016LIVE PAINTERS SQUARE 16m2, Design Festa gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN
2016The 13th Berliner Liste 2016, Berlin, GERMANY.
2016The Exhibition of “101 Clay figures” in Ginza Kohsho, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2015Japan Festival Berlin 2015, Berlin, GERMANY.
2015MOUNT ZINE comes to Taipei, Taipei, TAIWAN.
2015Shibuya Loft & Mount Zine9 in Shibuya Loft&, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2015Water colors from Yokosuka in JONES Food Store, Berlin, GERMANY.
2015Yokohama handmade-marche 2015 in Pacifico Yokohama, JAPAN.
2015100 Japanese Artists 2015, Cavalieri Hotel, MALTA.
2015LIVE PAINTERS SQUARE 16m2, Design Festa gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN
2014EWAEE (East-West Artists Exchange Exhibition) in Kyoto, JAPAN
2014ARTconcept DEN paper art collection ’14 in Gallery Den, Berlin, GERMANY.
2014ARTconcept DEN opening exhibition “Made in Japan” in Gallery Den, Berlin, GERMANY.
2014Zinten 2 in Design Festa gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN
2014The Art Event Shimane 2014, Takeshita Art Museum, Shimane, JAPAN.
2014Art Event about “happy” ,collaboration with Art meter in Tokyu Hands, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2014ArtDive 2014 in MiyakoMesse, Kyoko, JAPAN.
2014Mount Zine 8 in 890, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2014Zinten 3 in Design Festa gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN
2014ARTconcept DEN exhibition “Autumn in Tokyo Plus” in Gallery Den, Berlin, GERMANY.
2014Spectrum Miami Art Show 2014,Miami, USA
2013East and West Art Competition 2013, Finalist Exhibition in La Galleria Pall Mall, London, ENGLAND.
2013The 38th Design Festa in Tokyo Big sight, JAPAN.
2013The cultural exchange exhibition in Rathenow station café gallery, Rathenow, GERMANY.
2012The 8th Belladonna Art Exhibition in Tokyo Museum of Art, JAPAN.
2012The paper fun Exhibition in Amore Ginza gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2012The 8th Aozora de Art in Ginza Taimei Junior School, Tokyo, JAPAN.
2005The Exhibition “Escape” in Gallery Kaori, Oosaka, JAPAN.

Solo Exhibition

2023Bologna children’s book fair winner


Comics and Illustration Design Achievements

Comic Book
Itiou Eikaiwa gakkou kayotte mashita (I used to going to English School).
Published by FOREST Publishing, Co.,Ltd,JAPAN. 10 FEB 2010.

Serialization cartoon
Eigo no Genba ~DERA on the job~
Serially four-frame cartoon in Asahi weekly since 2011~2015